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At Castle Donington College we aim to provide students at Key Stage 3 and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition with a comprehensive and enriching educational experience that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to make informed choices about food and nutrition. Our curriculum is based on the belief that a deep understanding of food, its preparation, and its impact on health and well-being is essential for our students to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Key Principles:

  • Nutritional Literacy: We aim to develop a strong foundation in nutritional literacy among our students. Starting from Key Stage 3, students will learn about the principles of nutrition, including the importance of balanced diets, the functions of macronutrients and micronutrients, and the effects of diet on health. This knowledge will be built upon and refined as they progress to GCSE level.


  • Practical Cooking Skills: Our curriculum places a significant emphasis on developing practical cooking skills. From Key Stage 3 onwards, students will engage in hands-on cooking experiences, learning essential techniques and recipes that enable them to prepare wholesome and delicious meals. These skills will continue to be honed and expanded upon during the GCSE course.


  • Food Science and Safety: We prioritize food science and safety education. Students will explore the science behind cooking processes, food preservation methods, and the safe handling of food. This knowledge is crucial for them to become competent and confident cooks who prioritise food safety in all culinary endeavours.


  • Healthy Lifestyles: Our curriculum aims to promote healthy lifestyles and well-being. Students will examine the relationship between diet and physical and mental health. They will also learn about the importance of hydration, portion control, and the role of exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  • Sustainability and Ethical Considerations: In response to the global focus on sustainability and ethical food choices, we educate our students about the environmental impact of food production and the ethical considerations surrounding food sourcing. We encourage them to make choices that support a sustainable and responsible food industry.


  • Cultural and Global Awareness: We celebrate diversity by introducing students to a wide range of cuisines, ingredients, and cooking traditions from around the world. This not only enhances their culinary knowledge but also fosters cultural understanding and appreciation.


  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Our curriculum encourages critical thinking by challenging students to analyse food-related issues, such as food labelling, marketing, and the ethics of food production. We want our students to be discerning consumers who can navigate complex food landscapes.


  • Independent Learning and Creativity: We promote independent learning and creativity in the kitchen. Students will have opportunities to plan, adapt, and create their own recipes, allowing them to express their culinary creativity and build their self-confidence.


  • Assessment and Progression: Our assessment methods include practical cooking assessments, written examinations, and set NEA assignments, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of students' knowledge and skills. The GCSE course is designed to prepare students for further education or careers in food-related fields, should they choose to pursue them.

In summary, the Key Stage 3 and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition curriculum at Castle Donington College is designed to equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed, healthy, and sustainable food choices throughout their lives. We aspire to cultivate a lifelong passion for food, cooking, and nutrition that will serve them well in their personal and professional journeys.